Shayna Rosendorff
mapping forty three mines (2020)
5400mm x 1500mm
Soft Pastel, Charcoal, and Graphite on Fabriano
"The map is filled-in, a color-filled saturation that involves not only the so-called duplication of the reality it represents, but also an overcoming of the white, blank space, filling in the void. This seemingly simple function of shading achieves the task of standardization. The pantone colors used on geographic maps have evolved into a regularized and universally accepted scheme that enables their duplication, or rather, that allows the repetition of the 4 conditions needed to produce, indefinitely, a given color for a given place. The colors on maps emerge as specific repeatable and portable features. They involve the multiplication, ad infinitum, of a given reality, preconceived beyond the map." - Laura F. Gibellini, A Place, Constructed (2011)